by mccallum | Feb 12, 2023 | Weekly Email |
If your child is interested in trying out for the McCallum drill team, the Blue Brigade, there is a mandatory parent meeting on Tuesday, February 28. The meeting is at 6:00 p.m. in portable P10 (the portables on Houston St.) Come find out what the Blue Brigade is all...
by mccallum | Feb 12, 2023 | Weekly Email |
The McCallum Varsity Girls Basketball team broke school history by having the program’s first undefeated season in district play (16-0), and earned the title of District Champions! The team remains in the Top 20 of the 5A Texas teams according to the Texas Girls...
by mccallum | Feb 5, 2023 | Weekly Email |
The class of 2023 is heading into their final semester of high school and its time to start planning for some celebration! Please help us reach our goal of $32,000 for the class of 2023 Project Graduation carnival (taking place on May 24) using the link here....
by mccallum | Feb 5, 2023 | General, Weekly Email |
Juntos Together is a Research Study at University of Texas at Austin. They want to hear your feedback on a family-based program for Latina(o)/Hispanic teens and parents. Join them for a Juntos Conversation Circle! You’ll earn a $40 gift card to Amazon, Walmart,...
by mccallum | Jan 29, 2023 | Weekly Email |
McCallum will hold their monthly CAC meeting on Monday, February 6 at 5:45 p.m. in the Library. All are welcome. If anyone would like to give a citizen’s communications at the meeting, please contact CAC Co-Chair, Rachel Murray at