by mccallum | Jan 22, 2023 | Weekly Email |
The McCallum Fine Arts Academy invites you to Join Us for our Winter Musical Production of PIPPIN! A 1972 Broadway smash, Pippin follows the coming-of-age story of a young prince on his search for meaning and significance in his life. Pippin has won 9 Tony awards,...
by mccallum | Jan 22, 2023 | Weekly Email |
Since 2008, the McCallum CLCA Foundation has awarded $25,000 in scholarships to Seniors in the Fine Arts Academy. Applications for the 2023 scholarships are now available. Visit or email to request an...
by mccallum | Jan 15, 2023 | Weekly Email |
The students are going through tissues at an enormous rate and the teachers are always looking for more tissue boxes. If you are able to donate some tissue boxes, please drop them by or have your student drop them by the main office. Hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes...
by mccallum | Jan 15, 2023 | Weekly Email |
The time to begin thinking about post-high school plans has begun! I will be hosting a Junior Parent College Info Knight on January 18 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Building (Not the new building, but rather the building right next to the gym where the band, orchestra...
by mccallum | Jan 15, 2023 | Weekly Email |
Seniors, If you want to apply to scholarships, Mrs. Nix keeps a database on your Naviance homepage for you to access. If you can’t find it, come to her ASAP to show you because you are missing out on opportunities for money. You can also access it here. Be sure...