Art school reviews! Portfolio Knight

Students, bring your art portfolio to the MAC library. There will be art schools from all over the country there to review your portfolios. DATE: Thursday, September 28th TIME: 5 PM – 7 PM WHERE: Mac Library Examples of art schools in attendance are Cornish...

PSAT Testing

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 11th, when our students will be taking the PSAT. Our 9th-grade students will participate in the 8/9 version of the PSAT, while 10th and 11th graders will take the PSAT/NMSQT. The PSAT serves as a valuable practice opportunity...

Be A Straight Shooting Knight- Try Archery!

The McCallum Archery Team is recruiting new members with a Try Archery event at McCallum. The New Archer Meet-n-Greet Orientation Clinic is intended for: 9th-12th grade students enrolled at McCallum High School for the 2023-24 school year Archers new to the National...