Office Volunteers Needed!

The McCallum front office needs help helping students, parents and visitors. Sign up to help at the front desk with the link below. If you have any questions, email Thanks! Register to volunteer at: If you are...

Blue Brigade Poinsettia Sale

The Blue Brigade’s annual Poinsettia fundraiser is here! Poinsettias are $15.00 each (red only) and can be ordered using the link below. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go toward contest and spring show costumes. Poinsettias will be delivered the week of...

Secret Pals Claimed!

Thank you so much to the Mac community! Thanks to everyone’s generosity, the Secret Pals program has 100% participation. This program is a wonderful show of support to our hardworking staff & faculty. Thanks to everyone who is participating this year.

Twilight Program 2024-2025

Twilight Fall Semester Tuesdays and Wednesdays October 1st – December11th Room 155 4:45 PM – 6:15 PM The Twilight Program provides students options for credit recovery, grade repair, and attendance make-up. The program assists students who are at risk by offering...

Secret Pals!

 We’re almost there, y’all! We only need 19 more parents/caregivers to step up and be a Mac Secret Pal!  We can do it!  It really is so much fun and all the Maculty appreciate it!  Click for more info & signup!