Project graduation needs your help!

We are $9K away from our $35,000 goal! *********Project Graduation 2024 is planning a series of safe, inclusive activities to celebrate all of our seniors as they wrap up an unprecedented high school experience? We need to raise $35,000 to cover costs of the...

Support Mac Debate!

The McCallum Debate Team wants your help. Please help send our state-qualifiers to their competition by clicking HERE or using the QR code below to donate.  Donations support our debaters who have worked hard the past year to improve their Speech and Debate skills....

Gullett Elementary Alumni Scholarship

The Gullett Elementary Alumni scholarship has been established to recognize former students who have excelled in their academic endeavors, supported their community through various service projects and/or participated in extracurricular activities, and proven they...

Mac Teachers Need Tissues

Thanks to all the generous parents, teachers haven’t had to resort to putting toilet paper in the classrooms for students so far this year, but now tissue supply is running low. If you can, please drop some off at the front office or you can have them delivered...