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AISD Physical Forms

Championship Hearts Foundation is a non-profit foundation which provides free heart screenings to student athletes in Region 13 schools. These heart screenings are done to identify student athletes for risks of sudden cardiac death (SCD). See for more information.

Sports Calendars

Some sports have their calendar information added to the MaxPreps web site.  For those teams, see the Sports Calendar tab on the Main Calendar page. For other teams, try their web site links for calendar information.

Athletics News

Twilight Thanks Thundercloud Subs

Macares and the Twilight program want to thank Thundercloud Subs for its generous and delicious donation of dinner last week. Twilight is McCallum's after-school credit-recovery program and once a week, parents and volunteers in the community provide dinner for these...

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Blue Brigade Tryout Meeting – February 28

If your child is interested in trying out for the McCallum drill team, the Blue Brigade, there is a mandatory parent meeting on Tuesday, February 28. The meeting is at 6:00 p.m. in portable P10 (the portables on Houston St.) Come find out what the Blue Brigade is all...

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Varsity Girls Basketball

The McCallum Varsity Girls Basketball team is having a great season! The team is: undefeated 13-0, the Austin American-Statesman "Team of the Week" (1/24) and in the top 20 of the 5A Texas teams according to the Texas High School Coaches Association. Please come out...

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Ken Parmerter Memorial Scholarship

Ken Parmerter Memorial Scholarship -- DUE 2/15/2023 The SEMI Texas Chapter and the SEMI Foundation are excited to offer the 2023 Ken Parmerter Memorial Scholarship again this year. The minimum $1,000 (or more) scholarships will be awarded to several deserving high...

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Page last modified: Aug 20, 2021 @ 7:49 pm

