Because we love our kids, our school, our teachers and staff…it is time to GIVE BACK TO MAC.This is our school’s annual hassle-free fundraising effort that allows the PTSA to enrich the McCallum experience for our entire community. Click here to donate!
This once-annual fundraising campaign helps to supplement the AISD budget provided to McCallum, which only covers the minimal needs of our school. Our PTSA is seeking additional funds, because we strive to go above and beyond to provide exceptional support for our students and staff. This year we have had a lot of needs, so we need quick charitable action so we can adequately fund all of our commitments. We do a lot, and with your help, we can continue to do good things for our school. Some of Mac PTSA’s completed and ongoing projects are:
Gifted each teacher with $100 to get their classroom ready, so they don’t have to spend their own money.
Provided holiday bonuses for custodians
Made plans for a Spring revamp of the teacher’s lounge, so that we can provide a relaxing, comfortable, useful communal space for our teachers and staff.
Host quarterly staff appreciation luncheons for over 100 teachers, staff and administrators.
Provide volunteers in the school and at the homecoming dance to lend an extra helping hand.
Support families, teachers, and staff in our vertical during times of hardship and need through Mac Cares
Offer McCallum Scholarship opportunities to seniors who wish to apply for money for college or trade school.
Create a forum for parents and caregivers to come together and address important issues and challenges within the school.
Donate funds to ensure a successful Homecoming Dance for all and Project Graduation for seniors.
Your generosity makes a huge difference to our beloved school and donations at every level count! If everyone participates, we will more than reach our $20,000 goal. Additionally, if offered by your employer, we encourage seeking matching donations. Every bit counts!
Thank you for including Give Back to Mac in your charitable giving this year. We appreciate you!