Community Programs
Things all McCallum parents should know:
- We have two websites for McCallum — the primary site managed by AISD and the school, and the PTSA site (this site). Austin ISD now maintains an official, district-sanctioned website for every campus, including McCallum. The new AISD-sponsored site can be found at and includes information provided by the district or campus administrators. PTSA-related information, such as links to purchase booster club merchandise or tickets for events, etc. is available on the site you’re currently viewing.
- The MACKNIGHTLY weekly email newsletter brings you the most current news in a timely fashion. To subscribe, go to the bottom of any page on this web site and add in your information. Watch for a confirmation email and click the button in the email to confirm your subscription. Check your spam folder if you don’t start receiving newsletters. If you are having trouble with subscribing, or still aren’t getting newsletters, contact Note that all articles published in the MacKnightly are also posted in our News section.
- Follow us on social media! Follow McCallum on Facebook (PTSA) and Twitter (administration). Join the McCallum Parent Facebook Group. Follow MacJournalism (student publications) on Instagram and Facebook. Also follow the Fine Arts Academy on Facebook (group) and Instagram. Follow MACares on Facebook. If you are a Google Calendar user, you may subscribe to the school calendar.
- Join the PTSA!
- Watch the MacKnightly Newsletter emails at the beginning of the school year to sign up to be a Secret Pal to a McCallum staff member!
- Encourage your child to GET INVOLVED. McCallum is a big school. Joining an organization makes it smaller. Encourage your child to listen to the announcements to hear about different clubs, organizations, and meetings. You can find a list of clubs and organizations here. Clubs and activities are varied. There is something for everyone!
- MAKE SURE YOU ARE INVOLVED! Now’s not the time for parents to walk away from their child’s school. Your kids need you more than ever and McCallum High School needs you more than ever. Contact the PTSA, the booster organizations of any activities your child is involved in, and/or watch the MacKnightly for opportunities to volunteer. You’ll be glad you did!
Volunteer Opportunities for Parents:
MAC Visual Arts Booster Club Meeting, Monday, April 24 at 6 p.m.
Do you have a Visual Arts student at McCallum? Come join us at our next booster club meeting. We'd love to meet you. Your child does not have to be in the MAC Fine Arts Academy. All MAC Art student parents/guardians welcome. Have questions? Contact us...
Academy Convocation/Celebration
Save the Date: Academy Convocation/Celebration When: Monday, May 15, 2023 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: McCallum Arts Center We look forward to seeing you as we celebrate the completion of work for all 2023 Graduating Fine Arts Academy Majors! View PDF.
Exciting News! Free SAT & ACT practice opportunity – Register now!
Dear McCallum High School families, I have been working hard to support our families with additional resources. We have partnered with our friends at Revolution Prep to offer our students an opportunity to take a free online ACT practice exam, Online SAT practice exam...
McCallum Dance Guild Fundraiser for Student Scholarships
To SPONSOR a MAC DANCER and help them raise funds for student scholarships click here. On April 30, 2023, members of the McCallum Youth Dance Company will be hiking Turkey Creek Trail at Emma Long Park in a quest to raise funds for student scholarships. Funds help...
McCallum Youth Dance Company Presents: Connection
Join the McCallum Youth Dance Company Thursday, April 27 and Friday April 28 for the Annual Student-Directed Show, Connection. The Mac Youth Dance Company is proud to feature the talent of our performers as well as the choreography, production, and direction of our...
McCallum Colorguard Friends & Family Night + Auditions – 4/19
Do you know of an incoming 8th grader or a current Mac 9th-11th grade student who is looking to find their community at McCallum next year? Send them the free Friends & Family Performance on Wednesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. in the Mac Gym. Not only will they be...
Summitt Elementary Scholarship for Seniors
Hey graduating seniors who attended Summitt Elementary! Apply for Summitt PTA's $1,000 scholarship by May 1, 2023. Application materials can be dropped off or mailed to the school.
McCallum Spring College Fair
McCallum High School is proud to host a spring college fair on April 12 from 6-8 pm. Please RSVP here if you plan to attend: Details in the flyer attached. See Mrs. Nix with questions. The fair is geared for juniors.
AP Exam Monitors Needed
Volunteers are needed to monitor a group of students taking their AP Exams. Having a sufficient number of volunteers will help prevent exam-day incidents and mitigate the risk of retesting. An individual may not volunteer to monitor an AP Exam or handle exam materials...
McCallum Partners in Education: Real Estate Edition
Spring is the best time to buy or sell a house. If you are in the market, consider working with a real estate agent who gives back to support students and teachers at McCallum! All four of these real estate professionals are local experts who care about our community:...