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AISD Physical Forms

Championship Hearts Foundation is a non-profit foundation which provides free heart screenings to student athletes in Region 13 schools. These heart screenings are done to identify student athletes for risks of sudden cardiac death (SCD). See for more information.

Sports Calendars

Some sports have their calendar information added to the MaxPreps web site.  For those teams, see the Sports Calendar tab on the Main Calendar page. For other teams, try their web site links for calendar information.

Athletics News

MAC Dance Guild – Jason Deli’s Fundraiser

This is an evening fundraiser where participants can choose to dine in, take out or curbside and 15% of the proceeds will benefit the McCallum Dance Guild. Be sure to use the QR Code when ordering at so the sales will be counted or mention McCallum...

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PTSA Offers Scholarships

McCallum High School PTSA typically awards two $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors. One award will be made to an applicant in the College/University category who plans to attend either an in-state or out-of-state certificate program, trade school, two-year or...

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McCallum Orchestra Concert – Tuesday, December 13

The greater McCallum community is invited to the McCallum Orchestra's free holiday concert on Tuesday, December 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Building. The booster club will sell concessions and merchandise. Come early at 6:30 p.m. to enjoy a special string quartet...

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Calling All Seniors from Brentwood Elementary

Congrats Bulldogs who are now Mac Seniors (and almost halfway to graduation!) We want to celebrate you AND show you the new Brentwood in a special tour just for you (and your grown ups, if you want to invite them!) Please come to Brentwood next Thurs, Dec 8, at 8 am...

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Holiday Mitten Tree

MACares is sponsoring its annual mitten tree, for 50 families in the Mac vertical team who are in need of some help this holiday season. Sign up here to sponsor a family. You can choose to purchase specific gifts, or a family gift card....

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Mac PTSA Welcomes You!

The Mac PTSA is happy have all of your shiny faces here. We are so thrilled to have another year of supporting McCallum's wonderful staff! We have a few open positions that we could use some help with. We are looking for someone to head up our PIE Committee, do...

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McCallum Social Media Round-Up

Following is a collection of links to help you stay informed about everything that's going on at McCallum. From Facebook to Instagram to Twitter, parents and students can find the information they need. To get the most out of the accounts you follow, turn on...

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Shop Amazon Smiles and Benefit Mac

Next time you shop Amazon, please remember instead to shop Amazon Smiles. Different platform, same store. Smiles is compatible with Amazon Prime memberships. Once at Amazon Smiles, go to Help/Settings, My Amazon Smiles and select "PTA Texas Congress 756 McCallum High...

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Page last modified: Aug 20, 2021 @ 7:49 pm

